Wednesday night is the invite-only launch party for the new Bar at Pops. Oversized new bar, view of the Back Bay, extensive cocktail list, all inside Pops Restaurant on Tremont Street.
Here's what we're giving away:
A spot on the exclusive invite list.
Here's what you need to do to win:
Follow us on Facebook.
Scoot over to the Discussion board.
Tell us how you find out about wine events in Boston. On Facebook? Twitter? Emails from restaurants and shops? Which ones? Word of mouth? Etc?
That's it.
Winner will be chosen randomly and will be notified on Monday morning, February 8.
Good luck. And we'll see you at the bar.
Wondering what to do with leftover wine? Pour it, if possible, into an empty and clean half-bottle, so there's less room for oxygen contact. Then put it in the fridge, because cooling slows down the aging process. Wine from opened bottles will last longer this way.
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