We have two tickets to the Boston Wine Expo this week-end, and we want to give them away.
The question is how.
And, while we're at it, how we can also improve the service that Red White Boston offers to wine lovers all over Massachusetts.
Our answer?
Send us your list of top three restaurants, bars, wine shops, etc. that you'd like to see on Red White Boston. And send it before 5 p.m. today.
What businesses around town can we reach out to as a partner? Who's doing something with wine that's creative and fun and appealing?
We really want to know what you think. (That's the self-serving part.)
Winner, who will be chosen randomly from the entries, will be notified by 7 a.m. tomorrow. They will pick up their tickets at the will-call window. (That's the give-away part.)
Help us help you.
To drink better, the way you want.
WHAT: Win two tickets to the Boston Wine Expo
WHEN: Either Saturday, January 23 or Sunday, January 24 from 1 to 5 p.m.
HOW: Send us your list of three restaurants, bars, or wine shops you'd like to see on Red White Boston. Winner will be chosen randomly. Deadline is 5 p.m. today.
COST: $0
Heard about all the restaurants around town who are holding events to benefit the earthquake victims in Haiti? Some of our favorites: UpStairs on the Square, in association with Partners in Health, is hosting a day-long fundraiser on Monday, January 25 (complimentary community breakfast, prix fixe lunch, family meal for dinner); Stella Restaurant is hosting guest chefs (from Radius, Prezza, Pigalle, Dante) for a night of passed hors d'oeuvres and jazz on Tuesday evening, January 26; and for the next month Rialto will donate 100% of the proceeds from their vegetable side dishes to Partners in Health.