But it's a fun one, and if there was a restaurant to pull it off, it's Casablanca.
That's because both the drinks and the food at Casablanca are particularly skewer-worthy.
They call it the Skewer Menu.
We call it budget-friendly, as in $5 for three skewers and two sauces, and $8 for cocktails.
And limited-offer, as in dinner only on Mondays and Tuesdays.
As for the food, think kebabs: lamb, veggie, shrimp, beef, chicken.
As for the drinks, think candied lime (on a skewer, naturally) accompanying the Dark and Stormy. Cherries with the Manhattan. Antipasti with the Martini.
Puts a whole new twist on the swizzle stick, doesn't it?
In 1933 an engineer named Jay Sindler was looking for a way to get the olive out of his Martini without using his fingers. He invented the swizzle stick -- with a spear-point on one end -- and was awarded a patent for it in 1935.