Monday, April 26, 2010

Four Cocktails for $30. A Whole Meal Too.

Say you're out having a cocktail or two after work.

Before you know it, you've racked up a tab of almost $30, and that's just for one round for you and your buddy.

Cocktails these days can run on average between $12 and $15.


That's the pain that makes tonight's Classic Cocktails dinner at the Ashmont Grill such a bargain.

Four courses of food -- which is normal for Ashmont Grill's Monday Night Club.

For $30 -- which is also normal (for them, if no one else).

And a classic cocktail paired with each course.

Still for $30.

RSVPs are a very good idea.

WHAT: Monday Night Wine Club: Classic Cocktails
WHERE: Ashmont Grill, 555 Talbot Avenue, Dorchester
WHEN: TONIGHT, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
RSVP: Call 617.825.4300
COST: $30


"One martini is all right. Two are too many, and three are not enough."

-- James Thurber