Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wine + Music + Coffee at The Java Room


What do these three things have in common?



They're all social activities and are usually best enjoyed with friends?


But how about this: They are each a specialty at
The Java Room in Chelmsford.

Take the coffee. "Black as hell, strong as death, and sweet as love." (Their words, not ours.)

And the near-daily music, such as:

Friday, February 26: Alex Cole (saxophone) - Gretchen Stone (piano) Duo
Saturday, February 27: Trude Witham Group
Sunday, February 28: Sunday Jazz Brunch with Michael P. Chasse and Friends

Pick up a glass or two from their wine bar, settle back, and you are officially done for the evening.

WHAT: Wine, Coffee and Music
The Java Room, Ginger Ale Plaza, 14 Littleton Road, Chelmsford
WHEN: Most nights.
Click here for complete music schedule.
MORE INFO: Call 978.256.0001


For more on the association of wine with coffee, consider this: wet-processed coffees are roughly akin to white wines that have been fermented without the grape skins, while dry-processed coffees are like red wines, fermented in the coffee cherry with the skin intact. (Source: Tom Owen of Sweet Maria's Coffee)